Smart Power provides utility invoice verification and payment services for clients throughout New Zealand and Australia. This process involves the verification of utility invoices to ensure that opening balances, energy and network rates, billing periods, discounts, and total charges are correct. Where ever practical these processes are automated to maximise efficiency and improve speed and accuracy.
Any errors that are identified are automatically queried with the utility retailer and resolved prior to account payment. Our highly trained team of Account Managers oversee this process and ensure that risk of over or under payment of utility invoices is removed. They are also dedicated to managing your portfolio, liaising with suppliers, and resolving any issues with relevant stakeholders.
We offer a streamlined administration process to help you manage site switches, planned and unplanned outages and new connections, and supporting your reporting requirements.
“With both our Energy Team and Accounting Team engaging with Smart Power regularly, at all times we felt that they were the paradigm of customer service, working to help us and for our best outcome” – Goulburn Valley Water